How the SEARCH Framework Helps Students Use Their Strengths in Remote Learning Situations

In the new pandemic era, students face many stressful situations. Unfortunately, teachers can’t control these anxiety-provoking events. But there is a way to help students cope, stay connected, and stay focused – the SEARCH framework.


In the past few months, I’ve had the privilege of running virtual webinars with teachers in Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the USA, and Australia.


Among the topics that came up is the high levels of stress that their students are experiencing. They wanted to know what they could do to help their students.


As we talked about it, I realised that there were a number of big pandemic-related stresses that teachers can not control. So, I switched the conversation to discuss the idea of stress-related growth.




As teachers, we can’t always change the stress our students are facing. But we can give them the tools to help them grow through stress so that they are stronger the next time they face adversity.


The tool I suggested we give to students is the SEARCH framework.


In this article, you’ll learn more about this innovative approach and how it can help students handle stress in remote learning situations.


What Is the SEARCH Framework?

As teachers, we can help students preserve their wellbeing and mental health in this uncertain environment through integrating the SEARCH Framework into their learning.

The SEARCH framework is based on my published analysis of over 17,000 psychology studies which identified six pathways that can help students reach their full potential not just with their mental health but also socially, physically, and academically.

The acronym SEARCH represents the pathways:

●      Strengths

●      Emotional Management

●      Attention and Awareness

●      Relationships

●      Coping

●      Habits and Goals

Now let’s have a closer look into each of these pathways.

Pathway #1 - Strengths

Understanding one’s strengths is very important. Many studies report that individuals who know how to express their character strengths experience less stress and experience more energy and happiness in their lives.


When students learn their strengths and those of their classmates, it can positively impact their resilience, achievement, wellbeing, and general satisfaction in life. They can also make better use of their strengths.


Pathway #2 - Emotional Management

It’s not always easy to deal with feelings, moods, or emotions. And sometimes, it can be pretty challenging to find positive ways to deal with stressful situations.


That’s why students can acquire the skills and positive practices that show them how to acknowledge their feelings and potential triggers, as well as master the art of managing their emotions.

Pathway #3 - Attention and Awareness

As teachers, we can guide students in raising their sense of self-awareness. We can help them maintain awareness of where their attention lies, which is crucial when it comes to improving their overall wellbeing and learning


But what exactly is the connection between attention and awareness?


Attention represents the student’s ability to focus on different aspects of themselves and their environment. For instance, it can refer to something around them, like the lesson content or a physical or emotional characteristic.


Awareness, meanwhile, is the knowledge of things as they happen. That means with self-awareness, they can consciously affect the direction of their attention. They can sharpen their awareness of those moments when they become distracted and then use this awareness to focus their attention on their lessons.


Developing self-awareness can help boost the wellbeing of students in so many ways.


Pathway #4 - Relationships

The relationships pathway helps students understand, express, and manage different social aspects of learning (including remote learning). And by supporting our students in polishing their social skills, we help them develop positive relationships with others.


As they build strong relationships, their wellbeing may start to improve, much like their feelings of belonging and connection. In return, the sense of belonging can improve their resilience and focus, not to mention increase their happiness.

Pathway #5 - Coping

Being able to cope with adversity is a crucial life skill. And it’s why this pathway equips students with emotional resources that can help them in dealing with stressful situations. It also teaches them to have the resilience to stand up after life knocks them down.


And as students overcome stressful situations, it teaches them that they can cope with future struggles and helps them jump forward to success.

Pathway #6 - Habits and Goals

We tend to perform habits automatically, without putting much thought into the action. And these actions can either be good or bad. If we can show students how to break their bad habits and replace them with good ones, we can help them achieve their goals.


And when they set goals, it gives them something to work towards. This sense of forward direction and purpose can, in turn, enhance their wellbeing feelings.


Now, let’s look at how these six pathways of the SEARCH framework can help students deal with stressful remote learning situations.

How Can SEARCH Help Students in Remote Learning Situations?

We know how the shift to remote learning during waves of lockdowns has impacted millions of students. And as they cope with new situations, it can increase their feelings of distress.


A recent positive-education-approach study I published examined how these disruptions can, with a SEARCH approach, also promote growth.


The students who participated in my study were asked to rate how well they were taught positive education skills before the pandemic along the six pathways of the SEARCH framework. That means they reported to which degree they were taught how to manage emotions, use their strengths, etc.


The results of my research showed that the students who rated themselves highly in each of the six pathways had an easier time adapting to a remote learning environment.


For example, the degree to which they reported using their strengths during distance learning positively correlated to the stress-related growth they experienced after coming back to campus.


The students were able to map their remote learning habits according to their strengths to stay motivated. They also did some mindful breathing whenever their technological devices malfunction to reset their stress levels, and their computer at the same time, and get back to the business of learning.


Such results show us that if we can teach our students how to identify and build up their SEARCH skills, it can help prepare them to grow while dealing with pandemic-related stress and future adversity.


And according to my published study, when it comes to emotion management, the importance of identifying, validating, and expressing emotions that students experienced during the pandemic played a massive role in stress-related growth.


Also, my work showed how positive education interventions promote coping skills and wellbeing in students, especially during the time of crisis.

Teaching Your Students Stress-Related Growth

The ongoing pandemic has changed the lives of millions of students around the world. But as teachers, we can help them find ways to cope with these situations positively.


The SEARCH framework has shown to be effective at helping students cope with remote learning situations. They can use their strengths, emotional management, coping skills, and other pathways to get out of stressful situations with a positive learning experience.


Teaching our students and children how to use their strengths is essential in ensuring they can handle critical situations and turn them in their favour now….and in the future.


Whenever you’re ready… Here are three ways for you to dive deeper into my work on wellbeing and find a range of activities you can use in the classroom:

1) Become certified in the SEARCH online positive psychology course for teachers which will equip you to build your students’ wellbeing and keep them focused on their learning…and help to build your own wellbeing.

2) Download the VWB e-Program with 180+ activities that you can deliver in remote/hybrid learning to support the wellbeing of students.

3) Access FREE VWB resources for teachers, families, and students to bolster wellbeing during lockdowns.